Pitukena Literary Journal - Issue One

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We want to read your newest work. Pitukena is a print journal based out of the south shore of Waawiiyaataong (Windsor, ON) that publishes two issues a year. Our name is taken from the Unami Lenape word for Milkweed, a cornerstone species for many midwestern American habitats and species. 

We are focused on Indigenous and Indigenous-allied writing that explores the mutual spaces we inhabited with respect and a decided land-first ethic. We submit pieces to all the leading journal-based prizes (Pushcart, Best Canadian, IVAs, etc) and offer all published works a honorarium. Expect a 2-3 month wait for response. Simultaneous submissions are welcome so long as we are notified in a timely manner.

We are particularly interested in form poetry and craft essays. Our goal is to establish a literary magazine to build a community around. One that intersects Indigenous ideologies and epistemologies with eco-poetics and well hewn writing craft.   

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.